May 14, 2024- What if you are allowed to re-route your journey as little or as often as you like?
- What if every re-route that you make will eventually bring you to the destination, whether you know it or not?
- What if the destination that you had in mind, isn’t exactly how it looks on the outside, once manifested?
- What if you’re such a powerful manifestor, able to manifest anything, and everything your heart desires?
- What if your desires have been guiding you, signalling you, to re-route your journey all along?
- What if all the dissatisfaction, frustration, and longings that have been nudging you all these while, are a disguise in the subtlest form of the most Intimate Desire?
The word that’s been coming to visit me, now and again, for the last 2 years.
Sometimes it came in the form of wondrous goal-setting and delicious daydreaming. Other times it came like a wrecking ball with absolutely no warning, completely unbothered to mask itself, truly fired up by rage, frustration, and often.. Burnout.
The latter has been true in my case. I’d get a classic ‘flip the table’ feeling after a long stretch of launches after launches, laced with a rich cobwebs of family needs and 3 kids.
But there’s one time when that wasn’t the case.
Desire came to me in the form of my daughter. A surprise baby girl after having 2 boys and declaring that I’m done with this baby business.
When we found out that I was pregnant again, our second son was around 18 months young, a gleeful age in my book of parenting. I’ve stopped breastfeeding, my physical body was recovering from the traumatic caesarean I had with him, I started running again (and therefore feeling like I’ve got my life back).. Things were going in the right direction.
Or so I thought.
And then I got pregnant, and things got messy quickly.
- I knew my career was going to take (yet) another pause.
- We already have 2 boys, and before we found out the gender, I swore I didn’t think I could handle another boy.
- Growing up, I didn’t have the best relationship with my mother, so I feared that it was going to be the same case as my daughter once we found out the gender.
- The traumatic birth from my second child was still raw in my mind.
- I loved my job. Or I thought I did. (we’ll get to that later)
I spent the first 33 weeks of the pregnancy completely resisting the fact that my life is going to change again. It was exhausting, up to a point that I decided to surrender and stopped fighting.
What if this pregnancy was meant for me, instead of a ‘test’?
What unfolded next was an unmedicated spontaneous vaginal birth that happened too easily, despite my complicated medical history of 2 previous caesarean surgeries.
- Followed by a deep, longing desire of releasing free from the business that I’ve poured my heart and soul into.
- While healing my relationship with motherhood and parenting that is undeniably complex, entangled, and full of unrealistic expectations.
- Loving and discovering my own power that has been there all along, waiting to be accepted in its full form.
- Fiercely embracing the magical, wondrous, intense life of working together with my husband and 3 small kids..
All these, while also building a legacy of my own version of events.
Would I have thought that these Intimate Desires would arise from the resentment that was a surprise pregnancy?
But more importantly.. I wouldn’t have discovered them had I not surrendered myself to the Emergence that was happening in me.
So here’s a question for you to sit and play with.
What if all the dissatisfaction, frustration, and longings that have been nudging you all these while, are a disguise in the subtlest form of the most Intimate Desire?
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